Encouraging a more diverse and local workforce
A 2022 report found that 63% of construction companies in Ireland find it hard to recruit talent, owing to a lack of career options and negative perceptions about working in the industry. One in three construction firms believe young talent is emigrating from Ireland.
As an industry we are faced with major skills shortages yet we often overlook the talent pool in the local communities in which we work. We need to do more to engage local and diverse communities into our industry.
Major clients are using their procurement processes to encourage developers and their contracting partners to search for talent in their local communities. A diverse workforce has productivity benefits and by using local labour we are giving back to the communities in which we build, creating a sense of pride and belonging.
Clients expect the supply chain to not only engage a more local and diverse workforce, but they expect this to be monitored and reported – often using monetised values. We need to be able to quantify the benefits felt by the communities in which we work.
Employment Conditions
Living Wage Foundation: Life On Low Pay
Employment Conditions
The Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2023
Web link
Employment Conditions
Workplace Relations Commission
Web link
Employment Conditions
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law

How companies in the built environment interact with the communities…

Providing free and fair opportunities for all businesses to bid…

Attracting, developing and retaining talent to improve productivity and enable…