Who are Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail and what do we do?
Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail (IÉ), operates the Republic of Ireland’s national railway network providing passenger and freight rail services as well as operating Rosslare Europort, which is one of the largest and busiest ports in Ireland. Rosslare Europort is located in the South-East of Ireland.
IÉ was established in 1987 as a subsidiary of Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) and is set to be the backbone of a public transport network in Ireland that prioritises sustainable mobility for our citizens, visitors, communities and companies. Sustainability is not only at the heart of the services and infrastructure that we deliver, but also at the heart of how we deliver them. Iarnród Éireann’s Sustainability Strategy 2021-2030 outlines our social and economic sustainability goals. The Strategy outlines important milestones and commitments that we are committed to achieving by 2030.
The overarching objective is the overall reduction of our environmental impact and the provision of a lower carbon railway that considers economic, social, and environmental sustainability for both train operations and infrastructure management, as well as for our freight business and activities in Rosslare Europort.
You can find out more about Iarnród Éireann’s approach to sustainability here
Our goal is simply to;
- Reduce environmental impacts while improving climate resilience.
- Help to create a more sustainable economy and a better future for our children.
- Enhance inclusion and access to our economy and society for all.
Our actions align with and support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ireland’s Climate Action Plan, National Development Plan 2021-2030, the European Green Deal, the CIÉ Group’s Sustainability Strategy and the EU’s “Fit for 55” initiative.
Iarnród Éireann Case Studies & Policies
CIE Code of Conduct
Sustainability Strategy 2021 – 2030
Environmental Policy
Sustainability and Supply Chain
IÉ has a corporate social responsibility (CSR) to use sustainable procurement to influence, inspire and promote the change we want to see within our supply chains.
The incorporation of sustainable procurement practises into our purchasing activities and operations that seek to establish standards and assess the performance of our suppliers against.

Equality and Diversity at Iarnród Éireann
Iarnród Éireann is committed to equality and diversity in the workplace and in the services we provide. We continue to work with our employees, customers, outside agencies and other compatible groups in the development of best practice in the workplace for our employees and customers. Investment in our people is key to ensuring that they have the skills needed to have a profoundly positive environmental and social impact.
For our employees, Iarnród Éireann always endeavours to:
- Provide and develop policies that ensure fairness, equality, dignity and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time or full-time
- Ensure equal opportunities in our employment practices.
- Review employment practices and procedures when necessary to ensure fairness, and also update them to take account of changes in law or in best practice.
- Encourage all of our employees to reach their full potential.
- Ensure that all employees are provided with an opportunity to develop and progress within the Company on the basis of ability and merit.
For our customers, Iarnród Éireann always endeavours to:
- Continue to improve and develop accessibility on our services.
- Provide a service that meets the needs of all.
- Ensure that access to travel and information on travel is available to more citizens.
- Continue to engage with our mobility impaired passenger through our user group forums.
Iarnród Éireann believes that valuing our staff, contractors and the services they provide to the customer will support our mission, vision and values. On this basis we will continue to develop an environment that respects the diversity of staff, contractors and customers.

“Iarnród Éireann recognises that the establishment of the School in Ireland is a unique and exciting opportunity for organisations from both public and private sectors to come together in a collaborative effort to support our supply chain, which is critical to the success of our individual and collective sustainability goals. ”Sinead Leonard, Chief Procurement Officer, Iarnród Éireann
Recommended Resources
GPP Criteria Search
Department of the Environment, Climate & Communications
National Transport Authority
Transport for Ireland
Why we have become a Partner of the School
Iarnród Éireann believes that taking a lead role in the establishment of the School in Ireland sends an important message to our suppliers that not only do we recognise the importance of the role that they will play in supporting IÉ to achieve its organisational sustainability objectives but also that we are committed to investing in resources to assist them in developing their own organisational sustainability strategies.
Iarnród Éireann believes that action in sustainability is needed now more than ever and working collaboratively alongside the other partners to send a common message will be key to driving change and setting standards within the built environment and engineering industries.