Building happy, healthy places to live and work
To talk about a healthy, climate-resilient, inclusive future, it’s important to look at the built environment value chain. This includes materials and how they are manufactured; design principles and construction methods; the experience of those working in manufacturing and construction, as well as that of the end-users; and the impact of the built environment on our communities and eco-systems.
The costs to society – in economic, environmental and social terms – of failing to address health and wellbeing, are enormous.
Wellbeing - Sustainability Short
These days there’s a lot of talk about wellbeing and how it’s important. But what is wellbeing and why should you be bothered about it?
WorldGBC's Health & Wellbeing Framework
The WGBC Framework is a high-level educational resource, structured across six core principles for health and wellbeing in the built environment. The principles are conceptual, allowing them to be universally applicable for an international audience and diverse range of stakeholders. It can be used by actors across the value chain, from designers to occupiers, construction firms to policymakers.
Download the FrameworkWellbeing
Construction Working Minds
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Doing Right by People and Planet
Wellbeing in the Built Environment
WGBC Health and Wellbeing Framework